The College of Pharmacy organizes a seminar on the Indian herb ginseng

The Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled (Ashwganda as rasayana herb)
The discussion panel included a lecture given by the assistant lecturer, Raafat Muhammad Abdullah, in which he explained that the herb Ashwagandha, or Withania somnifera, and one of its common names is Indian ginseng, which was used in the medical system called Ayurvedic, which is the oldest followed medical system.
One of its common names is Indian ginseng
Which was used in the medical system called Ayurvedia, which is the oldest followed medical system that aims not only to treat diseases, but also to avoid them by following healthy habits and using natural materials to nourish the body.
This plant is used in many diseases, especially as a treatment for insomnia and an anti-stress and anxiety agent. Studies have proven its effectiveness in both, and there are pharmaceutical products containing the herb extract alone or with other extracts.