An introductory overview of the College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah

The College of Pharmacy was established in 1999, with classes commencing on October 21, 1999. It comprises six departments: Pharmacognosy, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Clinical Laboratory Sciences. The college offers a Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as Master's degrees in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Clinical Pharmacy.

The academic year for preparatory studies began in 1998-1999, with an initial enrollment of 120 students. To date, 20 batches have graduated, totaling 2000 graduates.

The establishment of the college was prompted by the urgent need for competent pharmacists capable of providing various pharmaceutical services. Pharmacy plays a crucial role in the healthcare sector, as doctors rely on pharmacists to complete the treatment process and provide essential advice to patients.

The College of Pharmacy consists of experts in various fields, with different academic titles distributed across undergraduate and postgraduate studies. These professors dedicate their expertise in education, training, and skills development to serve our students throughout their five years of study, where everyone acknowledges the excellence of the college's students.

Regarding postgraduate studies, the college offers cutting-edge scientific research in the field of pharmacy. Graduates of our postgraduate programs are highly esteemed for their contributions to advancing the country by producing qualified researchers capable of fulfilling their scientific roles. The College of Pharmacy is equipped with modern scientific laboratories furnished with the latest scientific devices and technologies.