University of Basrah organized a seminar about preparation, diagnosis and effectiveness against microbes for some traiazol compounds .

University of Basrah organized a seminar about preparation, diagnosis and effectiveness against microbes for some traiazol compounds .
College of Pharmacy at the University of Basra held a seminar entitled(Preparation, diagnosis and the effectiveness against microbes for some traiazol compounds) presented by the lecturer Hussein Abdul Amir Yahyaoui .The seminar included an explanation about how to prepare  new triazol compounds with antimicrobial properties. These compounds were prepared through a series of reactions and the chemical composition of them was diagnosed in several ways and revealed effective anti microbial activities.

جامعة البصرة تنظم حلقة نقاشية حول تحضير وتشخيص ودراسة الفعاليه ضد المايكروبات لبعض مركبات الترايازول