The College of Pharmacy organizes a visit to the Children's Specialist Hospital in Basrah


 The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a visit to the Children’s Hospital for Children. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, said: “I and Assistant Professor Dr. Ola Muhammad Nour visited the hospital to see the conditions of the children in light of the conditions the country is going through and raise their psychological morale.”  Shari added: This humanitarian initiative, which included providing financial grants to hospitalized children from Basrah and a number of southern governorates, is part of the ongoing campaigns of the College of Pharmacy in community service. We are doing this initiative to encourage volunteer work in all state institutions that serve the community;  The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah plays its humanitarian role at all times, and not only in education, because community service is a humanitarian and scientific basis at the same time.