A teaching member staff at the College of Pharmacy participates in a workshop on publishing in international journals.

A teaching member staff at the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shari, participated in the workshop held by the Researchers and Academics Platform (IFAD) and under the title (Methods of Scientific Publishing in Scientific Journals / Practical Examples in Scopus Journals) with the participation of researchers and specialists. The workshop included a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Shanti from Jordan, which included an explanation on how to publish in Scopes journals and the most important conditions for research to be published in the journal. The researcher must choose the journal that fits his field of specialization and it is important that the research to be published is of importance in the field of specialization that the researcher follows. And it must achieve a cognitive value for readers and readers away from superficial topics and the research is distinguished by the originality intended by the word authenticity that the research is new, and no one has previously published it, and in this the researcher must verify the quotation ratios approved by the scientific authorities, without exceeding what is permitted, while acknowledging not to publish In other journals, it is important for the research objectives to be clear, achievable and relevant to the research topic. Among the important conditions is also to shorten the topic in specific pages, use appropriate statistical methods, a disciplined theoretical framework, and the quality of the hypotheses formulated, etc.