A ministerial committee visits the College of Pharmacy and looks into the reality of the College  and its most important achievements

A delegation from the Ministry of Health and Environment  visited the college of pharmacy to see the (PCR) laboratory for genetic examinations and viruses, including the Corona virus and immunological examinations at the College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah  on Monday, November 9th. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Falah Hassan Sharri stated that the ministerial committee had examined the laboratory that the college had established in order to face the Corona pandemic, in which the transfer medium was manufactured, the medical seals with self-efforts, as well as they saw the quality control of the laboratory  in the college and the devices for drug examination that college developed and examined the drugs with the latest equipment available globally.These  laboratories are very important to serve the health reality in Basrah city and Iraq in general. Dr.Sharri continued: The committee also reviewed the  safety measures in the new laboratory and praised these measures taken, noting that the laboratory has obtained the Arab (ISO) certificate. The committee finished the visit with a word of encouragement to the College of Pharmacy and its scientific staff that contributed to face and limit the Corona pandemic.

A ministerial committee visits the College of Pharmacy and looks into the reality of the College  and its most important achievements

A ministerial committee visits the College of Pharmacy and looks into the reality of the College  and its most important achievements

A ministerial committee visits the College of Pharmacy and looks into the reality of the College  and its most important achievements