Two lecturers at University​​​​​​​ of Basrah publish a research paper in an international journal

Two lecturers of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Munther Abdul Jalil and Prof. Dr. Ikhlas Qanbar have published a paper entitled (Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Some Azo-Schiff Base Ligands and Estimation the Cadmium Metal by Complexation) in the Indian Journal “Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy “which has an impact factor 1.3 and within a second quarter (Q2) of the Scopus classification. The research included preparing some organic compounds derived from some medicines such as sulfa drugs and using them for selective analytical reagents for cadmium, as well as studying the effectiveness against bacteria of the prepared compounds.  The aim of the research is to prepare analytical laboratory methods for estimating the different elements in samples of blood and water as well as soil and to use some organic compounds prepared in the laboratory in a simple way as analytical reagents to estimate the cadmium element, as well as other elements recommended for study.