A lecturer at the College of Pharmacy participates in a workshop about the criteria for indexing research in Scopus in Iraq

Assistant Professor Dr. Iyad Qasim Mahdi the lecturer at the College of Pharmacy participated with a group of researchers in all scientific and humanitarian disciplines in the workshop held by the Elsevier Publishing House The workshop was under the title: (Research Indexing Standards in Scopus) Dr. Iyad stated that the workshop included a lecture given by Dr. Walid Mansour, a consultant expert in the Middle East and Turkey, on standards that are followed in the indexing of research published in Elsevier and to know the most publishing countries in Scopus in the Middle East and knowledge of indexing the journal by entering the international standard serial number of the journal in addition to knowing the journals with an impact factor and whether they are paid or free to publish in the Middle East, which publishes research in Arabic, English and, French, and touches on publication rates and citation of research from the period 2011 to 2020 and how to list a scientific journal within Scopus.