A lecturer at the College of Pharmacy participates in a workshop on scientific research problems

Professor Falah Hasan Shri, a member of staff at the College of Pharmacy, participated in the workshop held by the International Researchers and Academics Platform (IFAD) under the title (Scientific Research Problems) with the participation of researchers and specialists. Dr. Falah stated that the workshop included lectures given by Dr. Maaz Alaiwi from Palestine and Dr. Amal Kaziz from Algeria, which included an explanation of the importance of defining the problem of scientific research and its hypotheses from the basic stages that those coming to prepare a scientific research plan should be interested in. Choosing the problem related to research is not an easy matter. It needs scrutiny and study of all dimensions; And then put the hypotheses formulated by the researcher, which express initial solutions to the problem, and then go through the rest of the research parts through the use of previous studies and collecting evidence and clues, which revolve around proving the positive or negative hypotheses, in a precise system according to the scientific research method.