The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organizes a voluntary campaign to afforest its gardens for a green environment

In light of the outbreak of many epidemics, which are often caused by the environmental climate and for a green environment, under the direction and initiative of the President of University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hassan Shri The College of Pharmacy in the Karma Ali complex organized a campaign to afforest its gardens in order to expand the green area  and provide a suitable environment for the staff and students.Dr.Falah Hassan the dean of the college stated that  many staff members participated in this  valuable work by collecting donations and buying trees in order to cover all areas for a clean, sustainable, pure environment suitable for students and all the staff working in the college Dr. Shari added: The campaign began on Sunday, the 25th of this month, and lasted four days. It included cleaning the soil, pruning trees, uprooting the stiff and worn out ones, and preparing the soil throughout the college to plant about (100) various trees and (15) palm trees of the varieties of Al-Khadrawi, Al-Halawi, Al-Sayer and Al-Barim Al-Barhi, as well as oleander, eucalyptus, acacia, and palm tree trees, and about (30) varieties of other trees and ornamental palms, as well as the participants planted oleander trees on the outside fence of the college to give it aesthetics, as it is resistant to soil salinity. In order to provide relieving environment and for a more beautiful view of the college, he continued: This initiative launched by the Head of the University, Professor Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi within the Agricultural Week, (Ag week)is an initiative to convert many desertified spaces into green area that are compatible with the conditions of Basrah city and give more aesthetics to the university and the college to be ready to start  a new academic year.

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organizes a voluntary campaign to afforest its gardens for a green environment   

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organizes a voluntary campaign to afforest its gardens for a green environment   

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organizes a voluntary campaign to afforest its gardens for a green environment