College of Pharmacy organizes a friendly table tennis match between the professors of the College of Pharmacy and the professors of the Department of Sports Activities at the University of Basra

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basra organized a friendly table-tennis match between the professors of the College of Pharmacy and the professors of the Department of Sports Activities at the University The head of the Student Activities Unit, Dr. Sana Jawad Al-Mayah, stated: This initiative comes on the occasion of the opening of the new sports hall in addition to the conclusion of the table tournament for the staff in the college, and added Al-Mayah, and the match between the professors of the College of Pharmacy and the professors of the Department of Student Activities is to promote sports activities in addition to the management of the match by Professor Hussein and on the sports hall in the college.

كلية الصيدلة تنظم مباراة ودية لكرة المنضدة بين اساتذة كلية الصيدلة واساتذة قسم النشاطات الرياضية في جامعة البصرة