The research team that has produced the transport medium of Coronavirus gives the vice president of the crisis cell excellence and creativity shield 

Members of the research team producing the transport  medium of Coronavirus,Prof. Dr. Adnan Al-Badran and Assistant Professor Dr. Hisham Al-Fayyad, Assistant Professor Dr. Raghdan Hashem, presented a shield of creativity and excellence to the Vice President of the Crisis Cell and the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hassan Sheri .  Professor.Dr. Adnan Al-Badran commented that this  honor came to Dr. Falah due his efforts in supporting the research team in all respects since the start of the Corona crisis. It was a good help, continuity and motivation for the research team to reach all its current achievements, and we honor this humble person as something little in return for what he offered to serve society  firstly ,the exceptional efforts in supporting the team, and all thanks and praise to everyone who stands and uses his knowledge and his intellectual, moral and even material capabilities in crises. Here we say that the men of the university were the pride of the nation in its most difficult circumstances