The launch of the annual medical detachment (the medical unit)of the College of Pharmacy -University  of Basrah to serve the visitors of forty Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

The College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah and under the direction of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen, the President of University of Basrah, a medical detachment was set up on the road between Dhi Qar and Samawah to provide health , medical services and treatment and for the visitors who are occasionally walking the forty visit. The official in charge of the medical detachment, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hasan Shari said: In an initiative that counted the visitors with the mission, a group of professors and associates of the College of Pharmacy at Basra University installed a medical detachment on the road between the Al-Batha and Karbala region for the purpose of providing medical services to the forty visitors while preserving on the  the safety and health criteria. Dr. Shari continued: The detachment was established by the efforts of the faculty of pharmacy and its professors, as  a team included lecturers and college staff college ,in addition to female doctors for gynecology . The medical unit is Interested in supplying different analgesic , antibiotics, anti-rash ointments, nerve relaxants, vitamins, intravenous solutions, analgesic injections for pain, muscle relaxants, anti-diarrhea, acidity, medical supplies such as cushions and belts, in addition to  other devices  such as measuring blood sugar and blood pressure, and everything the visitor needs during the walk. It is noteworthy that this initiative of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basra is held annually on the occasion of the fortieth of Imam Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) to activate the university’s role in society and in all fields, circumstances and occasions.