A master's thesis at the College of Pharmacy discussing the preparation of ibuprofen gel Belosome

A master’s thesis at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah discussed (Preparation and evaluation of Belosome ibuprofen gel to enhance absorption through the skin)
Researcher Ahmed Mohamed Odeh’s thesis included a study of the successful synthesis of ibuprofen bilosome particles using the ultrasound nail method, as it can be considered a fast, safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for preparing bilosomes. Also, permeation studies were conducted for the successful formulation of bilosome gel outside the living body for a period of six hours, which indicated that The results showed a significant increase in the permeability of the drug through the skin compared to the control formulation.
The study aimed to convert powdered ibuprofen into a liquid bilosomal formulation with increased lipophilicity and nanoscale level.
In addition, preparation and evaluation of Belosom ibuprofen gel as a recommended topical dosage form to improve permeability properties.