The College of Pharmacy begins discussing its students’ graduation research for the academic year 2023-2024

The College of Pharmacy at the University began discussing the graduation research of its students in various scientific branches for the academic year 2023-2024 on the morning of Tuesday, June 5th.
 The committees formed in the scientific branches discussed several scientific research in the service of society in various fields of health.
The scientific assistant, Dr. Karam Allah Shaker, stated that the research was diversified in the fields of pharmacy and health, and it is an important nucleus for upcoming research projects for the students, as they presented important research topics that touch upon the needs of society and health institutions, which confirms the importance of openness of university scientific research to society and its institutions in a way that enhances construction and actual contribution to solving problems. Through scientific research.
Dr. Karamallah added: The college has always carefully selected research for its students to identify the most important problems of society, and some of them have been worked on as an important research nucleus that can advance to solid research published in international libraries or transformed into master’s theses in the coming days if our students aspire to complete their graduate studies. 
 He stressed that this step is to enhance the research path of our students and to put the first steps in their scientific and academic path to serve their specializations through what they innovate in their various research fields.