The College of Pharmacy organizes a scientific course on designing pharmaceutical compounds

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a scientific course entitled (Applications of structure relationships - quantitative effectiveness in the design of pharmaceutical compounds)
The course included a practical lecture delivered by Professor Dr. Rita Sabah Elias, in which she explained that the theoretical study of the quantitative relationship between the composition or physical-chemical properties that can be measured or calculated and the biological effectiveness of pharmaceutical compounds is very important and necessary, especially in modern pharmaceutical chemistry, as it enables researchers to find a linear relationship between biological effectiveness. For the drug and its physico-chemical properties, once a useful QSAR equation is determined, which is called a model, it is possible through this equation to predict the biological effectiveness of the drugs that are candidates for the relevant study, which contributes to the development of drugs and improving their effectiveness, in addition to predicting new drugs, before subjecting them to expensive and time-consuming biological tests. In some cases, only the calculated values ​​are required to perform the evaluation.