The College of Pharmacy organizes a workshop on the correct steps for writing a dissertation

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a workshop entitled (Your thesis from A to Z...and preparing to defend it)
The workshop included a lecture given by Assistant Professor Dr. Maan Abdel Razzaq in which he explained how to write a graduate student’s thesis, which begins by writing a summary of the thesis, which is introducing the reader to the summary of the research and its purpose, in addition to the method of collecting data or the work methods used, the necessary analyzes and commitment to the ethics of data collection and the necessity of preserving it.
 The workshop also touched on how to write an introduction to the thesis, such as collecting information from the available literature, then allocating the writing of the introduction to the research itself and making it more personal, then the goal of the research and the results that are expected to be achieved, then methods of work and collecting data in detail, with the necessity of developing diagrams, pictures, or equations. It is presented in some detail in the practical part of the thesis, then the final part of the thesis is addressed, which contains the results and their discussion objectively and what was reached during the course of the research. After that, reference is made to the sources that were relied upon in writing the thesis, taking into account the chronology of scientific sources and avoiding About quoting and using the academic method in paraphrasing titles and information obtained from scientific sources, in addition to preparing to discuss and defend the thesis before the discussion committee.