The College of Pharmacy organizes a scientific symposium on antimicrobials

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a scientific seminar entitled (Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Techniques for Testing Natural Products).
The course included two lectures. The first lecture was by Assistant Professor Dr. Saba Ali Muhammad, in which she explained that antioxidants are molecules that act as an invisible shield that protects our bodies from harmful molecules called free radicals. These radicals, like fierce warriors, roam the cells and cause them damage, which contributes to the emergence of many diseases. However, antioxidants act as a strong line of defense as they neutralize these harmful radicals, thus protecting cells and tissues from their destructive effects. Antioxidants are found naturally in a variety of foods, from dark purple cranberries to carrots. Leafy green vegetables also contain an abundance of these protective compounds. In addition, nuts, seeds and whole grains are an important addition to the diet, as they enrich the body with their unique antioxidants.
The lecture aimed to explain the importance of antioxidants, which have an immediate ability to fight free radicals, and studies indicate that they may play a major role in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. By including a variety of antioxidant-rich foods in our diet, we can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant life.
As for the second lecture, which was given by Assistant Professor Yasar Abdul Hussein, she explained the types of natural extracts isolated from plants that serve as alternatives to antibiotics due to the emergence of many bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics. The lecture showed the most important methods used to measure the antimicrobial effectiveness of natural plant extracts and determined the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
