The College of Pharmacy organized a workshop entitled (Scientific research and its impact on the entry of universities into international rankings). The workshop included a lecture given by Professor Dr. Rahim Jamil Muhaisen, in which he explained the importance of having the characteristics of the scientific researcher, including goals and requirements of laboratory devices and materials, through which the quality of scientific research can be improved. As well as scientific honesty in showing the accuracy of the results and conclusions, the fact that the research will become a literary reference for other researchers, and also staying away from publishing in predatory and commercial journals that are only concerned with profit and have no reputable scientific activity in academic circles. These topics and others are important in the entry of universities into prestigious international rankings. In all international classifications, no university can be included in these classifications unless it possesses solid scientific research and research publications that qualify it to enter the list of internationally classified universities, as scientific research represents a large proportion of the quality standards of international classifications.