The College of Pharmacy organizes an educational symposium on drugs

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah in cooperation with the Directorate of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Affairs in Basra/Basra Police Command, the Women’s Empowerment Unit, and the Continuing Education Unit, organized; A workshop entitled (A nation without drugs is our goal)
The workshop aimed to educate the audience about the great danger of narcotic substances, their types, and how to know them and drug addicts.
The workshop included a lecture delivered by legal presenter Ali Mohsen Hameed, in which he defined the drugs that affect the central nervous system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system with chronic diseases, and also lead to a state of habituation, or what is called “addiction,” causing severe damage to mental, physical, and social health. Addiction is the condition resulting from the continuous use of narcotic substances. So that the person becomes dependent on it psychologically and physically, and even needs to increase the dose from time to time in order to always get the same effect. Thus, the addict takes doses that are doubled in a short time until it reaches a point that causes severe damage to the body and mind, so the person loses the ability to carry out his daily work and duties in the absence of this. Subject.
The human rights activist, Ali Mohsen, also touched on the causes of addiction, including improper socialization, family disintegration, extreme wealth, unjustified extravagance, parents’ preoccupation with their children, lack of supervision and guidance, and other reasons, in addition to clarifying how to identify an addict through several signs, including a sudden change in lifestyle, such as frequent absence. Absence from work or study, low academic level or poor performance at work, leaving the house for long periods of time, being late outside the house at night, being secretive about one’s privacy, mood swings, not caring about one’s appearance, getting angry for the most trivial reasons, evading responsibility and indifference, extravagance, increasing demand for money, introversion, loneliness, and weight loss. Noticeable result of loss of appetite.
The lecture also explained how to distinguish narcotic items from others, not to transport these items without knowing and asking, and ensuring that citizens do not allow or give the opportunity to drug dealers to exploit them to help them transport narcotic materials without their knowledge.
By distinguishing the forms of drugs and psychotropic substances, the lecture also showed the most important laws that apply to addicts and drug dealers and important warnings to women, especially to avoid taking any type of medication, especially in the beauty centers spread in the governorate in general.