The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs participates in a workshop on scientific expertise

Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Karamallah Shaker Mahmoud, participated in the workshop (Scientific Expertise System), organized by the Department of Graduate Studies Affairs at the University of Basrah 

Dr. Karam stated that the purpose of the workshop is to convert the evaluator’s work from paper to electronic, in addition to receiving the user name and password for the system for each college or center. After selecting the scientific evaluator, it is done in a non-electronic manner and is communicated with him directly by calling him by phone. Now, using this program, the scientific component can be selected within a central electronic system that includes all Iraqi university professors.
He added: By using the program’s search engine, it is possible to search for any university professor or academic specialty within a record period. The program also allows sending the student’s thesis, as well as accepting or rejecting the thesis, within a period of time supervised by the program. The program can calculate the number of theses that have been discussed or Rejected by every scientific evaluator.