The College of Pharmacy organizes a scientific symposium on diabetes

The clinical pharmacy branch, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit and the Educational and Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah organized a scientific symposium (Diabetes awareness) The symposium aimed to raise public awareness and early detection of diabetes through Follow up on some of the symptoms that the individual develops for treatment and recovery. The symposium included giving lectures, the first of which was Dr. Haider Iyad Al-Idrisi, a specialist in diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism, which included the journey of diabetes treatments throughout history from the beginning of diabetes until today. To reduce the complications of diabetes. As for the pharmacist, Doaa Qassem Sobeih, she showed in her lecture the most important risks and complications of diabetes in the long and near term, if the level of irregular sugar was neglected, as well as when these complications begin to appear, with an explanation of the misconceptions of diabetes and how to deal with it. and correct it. In his lecture, Dr. Gibran Khalil Hassan indicated the importance of diagnosis and knowing what we are watching for early detection of diabetes, with clarification of the modern mechanisms used to know the level of regular sugar. As for Dr. Abdul-Ilah Abdul-Hussein, he accurately explained the balanced diet, the foods to be eaten, and proteins, indicating the importance of knowing the types of oils to avoid the bad types of them, what are the diet for diabetes and the food required to reduce diabetes and its complications. The symposium recommended the necessity of conducting periodic and random examinations of cumulative sugar, as well as attention to therapeutic nutrition to avoid disease and its complications, in addition to the use of modern programs to monitor food, as well as a regular examination of diabetes to avoid complications.