The College of Pharmacy holds a scientific symposium on first aid

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah in cooperation with the College of Nursing, held a scientific symposium entitled (First Aid - What You Need to Know).
The symposium included lectures, one of which was given by Professor Dr. Sajjad Salem Issa from the College of Nursing, in which he explained the types of first aid for wounds and burns. He mentioned their types, defined them, explained their risks, how to deal with each type, and means of stopping bleeding according to its type, and the necessity of using antibiotics and the tetanus vaccine, according to the type of wound.
As for burns, it explains their causes and degrees, how to treat burns according to their type and degree, and how to identify risk factors in burns. The second lecture was given by the lecturer Dr. Firas Abdel Qader, from the College of Nursing, in which he explained the principles of first aid and treating wounds and burns. He also talked about suffocation, methods of dealing with foreign objects in the airway, how to provide first aid to an unconscious patient, and the use of life-saving mechanisms (CPR).
The symposium aimed to educate the organization's staff on the necessity of knowing first aid because it contributes greatly to saving lives.