A master's thesis at the University of Basrah examining the effect of thiadiazole derivatives as anti-tumors

A master’s thesis at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah investigated (new Ariel Schiff rules for thiadiazole derivatives of NSAIDs as a DNA-binding agent and a potential candidate as antineoplastic agents).

The thesis presented by student Amer Abdel Karim Jaab included the manufacture of various compounds from thiadiazole derivatives of Schiff bases, evaluating their effectiveness against cancer cells (breast cancer), and comparing their effectiveness with normal cells. It was found that one of the prepared compounds showed good effectiveness against this type of cancer, with better selectivity compared to the rest.
The results led to the development of the compound naproxen, which works as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, by adding a thiadiazole group and its derivatives to work against cancer. Experiments were conducted on breast cancer cells, and it is possible to know its effect on other types of cancer.