The World Health Organization honors the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and the volunteer research team for their efforts in facing the Corona pandemic

In a form of loyalty and appreciation for scientific achievement, the World Health Organization in Iraq and through its representative Dr. Awatef Al-Uqabi honored the research team at the College of Pharmacy represented by its Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hassan Shri and a group of professors of scientific research in the College of Pharmacy. For their scientific and relentless efforts in facing the Corona pandemic, Dr. Awatef Al-Oqabi said that the team spirit and the miracle of science that serves society in such crises is nothing but peace that saves the country from its war against the epidemic. She also emphasized that the principle of appreciating scientific efforts is that history immortalizes every scientific achievement that contributes to saving the world from any danger, and appreciating the scientific competencies that have made great efforts in order to survive this epidemic, and we honor today the research team and the crisis cell headed by Professor Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi And his deputy, Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Hassan Sherri and members of the volunteer research team for their dedication and devotion in addressing the Corona epidemic and activating the scientific aspect to my work that serves society and the world in all its axes, so that this achievement became a milestone in the health field at the level of Iraq, as Dr. Awatif praised the role of the College of Pharmacy in this achievement The great one in producing the VTM to diagnose infection with the emerging corona virus epidemic on a daily basis and in numbers that reached thousands to meet the needs of the governorates of Iraq from north to south, and all of this required perseverance and risk in light of the health ban and staying up until the early morning hours in order to secure the carrier and medical swabs. Then the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, gave a speech in which he thanked the full support of the World Health Organization. Sherry added that the scientific mission and values ​​that the College of Pharmacy has established and implemented through its achievements will always be in the service of society. It is worth noting that Basra University is the first in Iraq to be able to produce the first VTM and in the laboratories of the College of Pharmacy, to diagnose infection with the emerging corona virus.