University of Basrah looks at the current status of the health centers in its complexes

The delegation, formed by a university order to supervise the health centers at University of Basrah , and they are all of the vice president of the Crisis Cell at University of Basrah , Dr. Falah Hasan Shri, and the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ramzi Salem Ali, visited the health center in the Karma Ali Colleges Complex to see the health and service reality in the center and discuss The needs of the center in light of the current crisis. Dr. Falah Hassan said: Our visit to the center was in order to lay down plans for the restoration and rehabilitation of the health center and providing it with all the important equipment for medical care, as well as maintaining the infrastructure for the university’s need for its members and students throughout the study days. The delegation also provided the center with (3) liters of hand sterilization gel and (2,5) liters of sterile alcohol to prevent the Corona pandemic. The director of the center, Dr. Haider Al-Sahlan, thanked the visiting delegation and the president of the university for their tireless follow-up in order to improve the health situation inside the university.