The College of Pharmacy participates in the central graduation ceremony of the University of Basrah under the slogan (With knowledge, homelands are built)

 The College of Pharmacy participated in the central graduation ceremony organized by the University of Basrah for the batch (55) and under the title (With knowledge, homelands are built) on Thursday the first of December in the Sports City.  The ceremony was opened with verses from the Holy Quran and the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah on the souls of the martyrs of Iraq followed by the national anthem, then a speech by the President of the University, Professor Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, during which he praised the teaching staff and students who passed the academic year 2021/2022 successfully. And Hammadi continued: The University of Basrah insisted and insists with all its staff, the presidency, colleges, and teaching and administrative facilities, to be up to the level of responsibility and confrontation, setting the most wonderful examples in this regard, and here we are meeting today to celebrate our children and celebrate their graduation, sharing with them and their families their joy in reaping the fruits of their scientific career and reaping the efforts of the years they spent.  In the seats of study, science and knowledge, and they have become qualified to serve their country and are armed with the weapon of knowledge, relying on the Almighty Creator to provide them with the means of success and development.
  The graduates chanted the university oath and pledged to serve the country, each according to his specialization, and expressed their happiness with the specialized academic knowledge they acquired over the years of university study.
 In the same context, the university honored the first graduate students who recorded their hospitality with this honor, which will open horizons for them towards achieving what they aspire to in serving their country, including students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (student Hadi Adnan Zaybak Mohie, student Muhammad Jamil Tarish and student Zahraa Uday Anis Ahmed) and in the presence of the dean of the college Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shri and members of the College of Pharmacy Council.