University of Basrah organizes panel discussion on e-drug shopping

The Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Basrah organized a panel discussion on the abuse of online online shopping for medicines and supplements Especially those advertised on social media sites such as Facebook or Amazon's global shopping site with the participation of researchers And specialists. The panel discussion included a lecture delivered by Dr. Ahmed Najm, through which he discussed the disadvantages of these websites. And how to broadcast visual or written advertisements for different treatments from unknown and unreliable sources and with different contents Not examined, especially those to be used as grants, tonics or stimulants, most of which contain substances banned in a country. Origin with its name on the enclosure. Some of these drugs have risks to the heart, blood pressure, liver and organ. nervous where it was withdrawn from the World Organization for Medicine and Food regulations more than eight years ago because of its risks to Health despite its effectiveness as grants and the study recommended not to trade these products randomly and refer to the competence of Doctors and pharmacists do not trust these advertisements and work to report them electronically. As well as asking the Supreme Telecommunications Authority to monitor These advertisements are funded and work to liquidate or block them in order to preserve the health of the Iraqi citizen and keep him from draining his money to buy Medications or supplements harmful to his health and asking the government health authorities to establish special controls for these sites as it exists In developed countries, the controls found in pharmacies are similar.