My teacher from University of Basrah publishes research in a global journal

Dr. Iyad Qasim Mahdi, a teacher at the Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Basrah, published a scientific research (antibiotic resistance in the surface surgeons). For regions) in the Dutch journal Science of the Total Environment with an impact factor (4,984 in the SCOS classification) The study showed the important ness of the surface dose of water in urban areas and its role in the increase in the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria Life through its containment of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and its genes with certain concentrations that lead to the appearing of resistant bacterial strains Antibiotics. The research also addressed a comprehensive review of the role of surface graphs in urban areas as reservoirs and channels for spreading Bacteria resistant to antibiotics and bacteria carrying genes or antibiotic-resistant genes in the environment and bacterial diversity In urban surfactants and sources (ARB) and ARGs as well as their effects on human health in addition to dynamic Antibiotic resistance. The study aimed at identifiing all the bioreservoirs of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and fungi. Antibiotic and dynomic resistance to antibiotics in cities as a way to show bacterial strains Life has not previously been recorded and isolated from man. This is a true support for human health. The study recommended the need to develop and develop plans Work worldto treat antibiotic resistance and reduce its spread on the basis of a single "health one" and that health is environmentally An integral part of this global strategy of control over bacteria resistant to antibiotics and based on the above that the resistance Antibiotics in the surface in urban areas fall within the scope of combating the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.