University of Basrah holds hPLC workshop

The Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Basrah  held a workshop on identifying all the details of the HPLC device and how to deal with this device With the participation of researchers and specialists. The workshop included a lecture delivered by Dr. Haidar Abdul Karim Al Wafi in which he explained theimportance of the device in the field of Medical research in addition to how to maintain the device and protect it from pollution and clarify all the important factors in showing scientific results Accurately. The workshop also discussed some experiments in the practical aspect within the laboratory to clarify the importance of the device in all laboratories And the terms of reference to purify all kinds of prepared substances as well as possible to follow the stability of medicines for example within the human body in a way Minutes for short and long periods. The workshop recommended that the availability of such devices within laboratories is very necessary especially for students Post-graduate studies of the importance of this device in conducting many types of medical trials such as follow-up of the stability of medicines and for long periods As well as holding such workshops that increase the awareness of specialists about the devices available in laboratories in order to conduct research scientific most useful to society.