The University of Basrah discusses scientific cooperation with the International Technical Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Iran in the presence of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy

 In the presence of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shari, the University of Basrah discussed ways of mutual scientific cooperation with the International Technical Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranian side was represented by Dr. Muhammad Jawadi, while Iraq and the University of Basrah was represented by the university president, Prof. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and the two sides discussed ways  to Develop dealing with techniques through which genetic material on chromosomes is dealt with, specifically in the DNA of an organism, whether human, animal, plant, or even bacteria, and study the role it plays in genes and diseases.  As well as studying the surrounding environmental factors and causes that cause diseases

 The two parties agreed to strengthen the scientific aspects between the two universities in the research fields to conduct research related to genetic engineering and biotechnologies that are included in all medical, pharmaceutical, scientific and engineering fields.