Doctoral thesis discusses the production of a local enzyme to treat Gaucia disease

I researched the doctoral thesis in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Basrah (expression of the human gene beta-glucosiriprosedes In the genetically modified sunflower plant by Dr. Zainab Toma Khalaf, a teacher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, she addressed the thesis. Use of sunflower plant to produce glucoceryprocees beta enzyme in genetically engineered method after gene coloration Human GBA1 is responsible for producing this enzyme. The genetic expression of the enzyme within the sunflower plant was also studied. Genetically modified and the enzyme produced from the modified plant was identified using the enzyme-related immunotesting Using the enzyme's foundation material, the thesis derived the production of gluco ceriprozdis enzyme locally from a plant Sunflower, which is used to treat the genetic disease of Gaucia, which affects children and causes enlarged liver The spleen is deformed and the bones are broken due to its deficiency.