A teacher at the College of Pharmacy is a member of the PhD thesis discussion committee

 Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shari, the teaching professor at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah, participated in the discussion committee of the doctoral thesis (polymorphisms of RAGE receptor genes and the level of soluble RAGE in the circulation among Iraqi colorectal patients) by student Omar Salah Sadeem at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Baghdad.
 The thesis included the study of cancer, which represents one of the public health issues around the world, as it is considered the most common cause of death around the globe, where uterine cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer are the most common cancer cases. In recent decades, colorectal cancer has spread in Iraq in a large proportion  Where it accounted for approximately 10% of all cancer deaths, rising to the second and third place of recent prevalence in men and women, respectively, and colorectal cancer represents a type of cancer that begins to grow or tumor on the inner lining of the colon or rectum and develops slowly and is known as the second most  Types of cancers are lethal all over the world and there are many diagnostic tools, including some biomarkers such as carbohydrate antigen No. 19-9 as well as carcinoembryonic antigen. The advanced glucose substances, which are defined as molecules of substances that have the ability of advanced interaction by glucose sugar, which formed from  The classic Maillard reaction inside the body is one of the most important substances, the ability to stimulate some special nuclear transcription factors and to activate and stimulate  For many inflammatory genes, such as adhesion proteins TNF type, interleukins 1 and 6, cytokines and oxidative stress enzymes.