University Basrah crisis cell prepares evidence on emerging Corona virus and ways to prevent it

The Crisis Cell team at  University  Basrah  prepared a comprehensive scientific guide about Corona virus, based on scientific facts. The President of the University, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, stated that a scientific team from the faculties of the medical group at our university was able to prepare scientific evidence related to the Coronavirus. Hammadi explained that the prepared guide is distinguished by its presentation of the causes of the epidemic and what are the ways to get rid of this virus supported by the illustrations and the booklet touched on the most important ways to prevent the virus with mentioning the most common mistakes about infection with it, treatment and how to use disinfectants that help get rid of the virus and the guide concluded by reviewing activities Presented by the Crisis Cell to confront this epidemic, including fogging operations and scientific and research discoveries that help get rid of this virus