Teaching staff at the College of Pharmacy publish a research paper in a scientific journal within Scopus index

The teaching staff Dr. Abbas Abdel Razzaq, Dr. Qassem Fawzi and Dr. Mohsen Sagheer at the College of Pharmacy published a paper entitled (The effect of digoxin on the endocrine glands in male rats) in the journal Indian journal of forensic medicine and toxicology, index of impact of 0.13 And within Scopes containers The study was designed to investigate the histopathological changes in the thyroid, pancreatic and adrenal glands in rats by dosing three different doses of digoxin therapy for a period of 60 days. The study showed the occurrence of pathological changes in histopathology, which may be one of the reasons for the toxicity of the treatment. The study was conducted to determine the histological changes that may occur due to using the digoxin , because of the frequent use of this treatment in heart failure, for all age groups, and the lack of studies that show the effect on the glands and the frequent occurrence of toxicity by using it.