Fifth-stage students in the College of Pharmacy take the ministerial assessment exam

 Today, Wednesday, June 22, students of the fifth stage in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah took the ministerial assessment exam.
 the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, stated: The 164 students took the exam and were distributed among (10) halls in the College of Information Technology, with the availability of the required computers, and with direct electronic hosting by the ministerial team in charge of following up on the progress of the exam, which went smoothly and without any delay in  its performance.

طلبة المرحلة الخامسة في كلية الصيدلة يؤدون الامتحان التقويمي الوزاري طلبة المرحلة الخامسة في كلية الصيدلة يؤدون الامتحان التقويمي الوزاري طلبة المرحلة الخامسة في كلية الصيدلة يؤدون الامتحان التقويمي الوزاري