The Dean of the College of Pharmacy participates in a scientific lecture in Japan on the impact of the Corona pandemic on the higher education system

 The Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah, Prof. Falah Hassan Shri, participated in a scientific lecture on the impact of the Corona pandemic on the higher education system, which was organized by Fujita University, Japan, on the sidelines of the international conference (Oscar of Higher Education).
 Shri said: The workshop was attended by a representative of UNESCO, who gave a valuable lecture on how higher education can confront the crisis through its researchers, address the pandemic, face all the difficulties that have occurred in education and address them in a manner befitting the status, effectiveness and importance of higher education in all areas of life.

عميد كلية الصيدلة يشارك بمحاضرة علمية في اليابان حول تأثير جائحة كورونا على نظام التعليم العالي