The Dean of the College of Pharmacy attends a workshop in Japan on basic sciences and their relationship to technology

 The Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah Prof. Falah Hassan Shari, attended a workshop on basic sciences and what is the relationship between science and technology, which was organized by Fujita University in Japan within the activities of the International Conference (Oscar Higher Education)
 And Sherri said: The workshop dealt with a lecture given by Professor Yoshnori, in which he explained the difference between science and technology and the strength of the interrelationship between them. Without science, technology cannot exist because it is the practical application of that science.  In addition, technology facilitates the daily life of individuals, as the individual can accomplish many works in a short time and effort and very quickly, as many of the individuals’ actions, movements, orientations, financial and governmental transactions, education, research, follow-up to news and events and many details are linked to technology that made it easier for them to do.  To do it if the technology did not exist for them, as well as bringing peoples closer and shortening the distances between them;  Technology has helped to make the world look like a small village, as well as developing the culture of individuals, expanding their perceptions, and keeping them following all the events of the world without any excuses that stand between them and other societies.

عميد كلية الصيدلة يحضر ورشة عمل في اليابان حول العلوم الأساسية و علاقتها بالتكنولوجيا