The College of Pharmacy is planting its gardens and increasing green spaces

 The cadres of the Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department and the Electron Microscope Unit have purchased various medical agricultural seedlings to increase the green spaces in the college
 The Head of the Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department Assistant Professor Dr. Ola Muhammad Nour Al-Moussawi, stated: We have purchased some seedlings that are resistant to salinity and drought, in addition to being medicinal plants that are used in the laboratories of the Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants Department where they have been planted to reduce desertification and increase green spaces.
 Al-Mousawi added: One of the most important seedlings is the palm tree, which resists heat and salinity, in addition to being an aromatic tree with multiple oils that can be extracted and medical research can be carried out on it.