The College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah produces the first transferring medium for Corona virus

The College of Pharmacy, under the supervision of the President of University of Basrah , Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and in cooperation with the College of Medicine Zahraa, produced the first medium of VTM a1 and VTM a2 as the first initiative of its kind in Iraq, and they are considered the medium for transmission of the Coronavirus. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Falah Hassan Shari, stated that the two materials above were produced in the laboratories of the College of Pharmacy in order to preserve and transfer samples of those who were infected with Coronavirus, as the product was manufactured with ingredients and alternatives available at Basrah University and in cooperation with the staff of the College of Science, Zahra Medical college and college of Pharmacy, especially the electron microscope unit in the College of Pharmacy. Sherry added: The two media are considered the medium that transmits the virus and is very important in detecting the disease, as some tests are incorrect due to the absence of this substance because the virus sometimes decomposes through poor preservation and the absence of this material, noting that this material is scarce and not available in Iraq. This scientific achievement is added to the record of scientific achievements presented by Basra University in general and the College of Pharmacy in particular for community service.

جامعة البصرة تنتج اول وسط ناقل لفيروس كورونا