The College of Pharmacy is transferring laboratory materials and furniture to the College of Marine Sciences

 The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah transferred many equipment and laboratory furniture to the College of Marine Sciences.

  the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shari stated: In the interest of the University of Basrah to integrate the colleges of the university and in implementation of the directives of the President of the University, our college transferred many equipment and laboratory furniture - laboratory counters, laboratory benches, and a machine for extracting laboratory vapors and gases - to the College of Marine Science  as a young college.

 Sherri added: The College of Pharmacy is a pioneer in supporting colleges and meeting their needs for office or laboratory furniture, according to their capabilities.

كلية الصيدلة تقوم بمناقلة المواد المختبرية والأثاث لكلية علوم البحار كلية الصيدلة تقوم بمناقلة المواد المختبرية والأثاث لكلية علوم البحار كلية الصيدلة تقوم بمناقلة المواد المختبرية والأثاث لكلية علوم البحار