The Dean of the College of Pharmacy visits Al-Farahidi Schools as part of the medical group delegation.

 A delegation from the University of Basrahh headed by Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi and the deans of the medical colleges at the University of Basrah, visited Al Farahidi Model Schools.  the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Falah Hassan Shri, one of the members of the visiting delegation said: The aim of our visit is to open up to the community, as well as to see the educational reality of private schools and to know the obstacles, difficulties and problems these schools face, and to try to find appropriate solutions that  It will develop private education in Iraq, especially in the province of Basrah. Sherri added: The delegation was briefed on the reality of education, students, laboratories and classrooms in these schools, as well as the infrastructure that suits the general atmosphere of the school and in a way that suits the comfort of students and provides them with an ideal study atmosphere.