Students from Faculty of Pharmacy publish papers in international journal

The teaching staff published Dr. Huda Saleh Abboud, Dr. Osama Hamed and Dr. Bassem Hamid at the Faculty of Pharmacy Research entitled (Anti-high uric acid efficacy and inhibitory enzyme x-in-the-x-benzide Rats with gout in the International Journal of green Pharmacy The effect factor is 0.32 and within the Scopus rating. Researchers discussed the effect of slimarine on enzyme inhibition Xanthin oxydes in different doses and then studied on the reduced effect of uric acid in rats Gout, where samarin was found to be effective in inhibiting the enzyme of xanthin and lowering the level of uric acid. In rats with gout. The researchers showed that selmarin can be used as a treatment for gout as it Highly effective and contains no side effects and less toxic than the drugs used in the treatment of gout