Teaching from Faculty of Pharmacy publishes research in Maysan Journal of Academic Studies

Dr. Ola Mohamed Nour at the Faculty of Pharmacy published a paper entitled "The appearance of pollen for family types. Pink in Iraq in the Maysan Journal of Academic Studies. Where the doctor pointed out in this research a study The appearance of pollen for eight species belongs to four races of the carnation family in Iraq, namely Holosteum Glutrinsum F.et M, H. umbellatum L. h. liniflorum Stev and Sagina apetala L and S. saginoides (L.) Karst, Tunica pachygona C.A.M telephium imperati L and T. oligospermum Steud. Et Boiss using optical microscope (LM) and electron scanner (SEM) also relied on the quantitative and qualitative qualities of pollen for the purpose of dividing and classifying species, Where it depended on the shape of pollen and its size and holes and decorations on its surface, in terms of shape it was Most of the pollen is spherical and rare, and most of it is multi-hole and triple-groove, dr. Ola added. The pollen varied in size and the number of holes in the species studied. Sagina L and Telephium L, while the pollen was medium-sized in the species The sex holosteum L and Tunica (Hall) Scope, the decorations were spinulose- perforate or Scabrate-perforate in species under study