The College of Pharmacy begins work on graduation projects for undergraduate students

 The students of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrahh began working on graduation projects for students of the undergraduate studies, the finished stages of the pharmaceutical chemistry department. Dr. Hussain Nasser Al-Salman said: We currently have five joint projects, Prof. Hussain Hassan and I, as their supervisors, a project on a chromatographic spectroscopic technique for the determination of simvastatin in pharmaceutical preparations, and another on a new method for the determination of salbutamol by high-performance liquid chromatography, in addition to an easy, simple and accurate method for the determination of neproxen by chromatography.  A high-performance liquid as well as a research project on a developed method for the determination of Minoxidil in pharmaceutical preparations in addition to the determination of Nortriptyline in pharmaceutical preparations by HPLC method. Al-Salman added: These projects belong to the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department and we have completed work on them as projects for fifth-grade students, and they will be published as research after discussing the students in the month of May.