Faculty of Pharmacy hosts training workshop on getting jobs in international companies

The Rehabilitation and Employment Division of the University of Basrah is organized in collaboration with the Swedish organization Qandil Training workshop on how to apply and get a job in international companies for students And graduates at the Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Basrah, where the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah Dr. Gibran Khalil that the college will host this workshop on the 28th And the 29th of October on the hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy and all Supplies from the organizers of stationery, hospitality and other supplies and students Those wishing to register should contact the Faculty of Pharmacy information page for the purpose of registration. He continued: This .The workshop comes to serve students and graduates in order to introduce them to the ways and machines of obtaining Jobs in various companies and they promote their career culture in the challenges of the labour market.