The French ambassador invites the graduates of the Iraqi French universities to an iftar banquet at his residence in Baghdad

 The French Ambassador, Eric Chevalier, invited Iraqi graduates from French universities to an Iftar banquet, and Dr. Alaa Abdul-Hussein Al-Sareeh was one of the invitees.  Al-Sareeh explained our presence was at the residence of the French ambassador in Baghdad, at the invitation of the ambassador, with a group of graduates of Iraqi French universities, and in the presence of the representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the representative of the Missions Department, the representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Iraqi ambassador in France, and the heads of all Iraqi universities.  The invitation included an iftar meal in honor of the ambassador, and it raised many axes related to supporting Iraqi universities and the necessity of activating scientific and cultural cooperation, exchanging experiences and visits, as well as establishing a platform for Iraqi graduates from French universities and linking it to the network of graduates of international French universities to exchange scientific experiences and academic cooperation.