The College of Pharmacy opens laboratories in the Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants department on the occasion of the founding day of the University of Basrah 

 The College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah inaugurated two laboratories in the department of Pharmacognosy , medicinal plants and allied sciences, on the occasion of the fifty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the University of Basrah in the presence of the Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Daoud Gloub Hillel, and a number of faculty professors.  the head of the department , Assistant Professor Dr. Ola Muhammad Nour Al-Moussawi, stated: In celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the University of Basrah and within the activities of the College of Pharmacy on this day, we opened 2 laboratories for preliminary studies, one of them for the Pharmacognosy subject that is studied for the second and third stages in the College of Pharmacy. The laboratories included many important scientific devices to keep pace with  The advanced educational process and the laboratories were characterized by international designs to accommodate the largest possible number of students.