A faculty member at the College of Pharmacy receives a certificate of participation in a scientific workshop on the sensitivity of the nose and sinuses

 The professor at the College of Pharmacy, Prof. Falah Hassan Shari, obtained a certificate of participation in the international workshop (Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis), which was organized by the Russian Pharma courses platform, an independent online educational platform for health care professionals in the Middle East and North Africa region.

 The workshop included a lecture on nasal and sinus allergies and methods of diagnosing it through imaging tests, looking inside the sinuses, allergy testing, taking samples from the secretions of the nose and sinuses, in addition to treating the sinuses through nasal corticosteroid sprays, washing the nose with a saline solution, or taking corticosteroids through  Oral or by injection or taking allergy medication or antifungal treatment.