A faculty member at the College of Pharmacy receives a certificate of participation in an international workshop on male infertility

 The Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Basrah, Prof. Falah Hassan Shri, received a certificate of participation in the workshop (Male fertility challenges and how to treat them), which was organized by the Russian Pharma courses platform, an independent online educational platform for health care professionals in the Middle East and North Africa.  .
 The workshop included lectures on male infertility, as it can occur due to poor sperm secretion, an abnormality in the sperm, or due to blockages that prevent sperm from reaching. It can cause diseases, injuries and chronic health problems, as well as antibodies that attack sperm, which are cells of the immune system that misidentify sperm as foreign and harmful bodies, and try to eliminate them. Other causes that can cause infertility are cancerous and benign tumors in organs.  Male reproductive organs, through glands that produce reproductive hormones, such as the pituitary gland, or through unknown causes.  In some cases, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy to treat tumors can affect male fertility, as can tobacco smoking, alcohol use, illegal drug use, lifestyle choices and other factors that cause male infertility.
 The workshop also discussed scientific developments in the treatment of infertility, the most important findings of scientists, and the latest methods for treating infertility, the most important of which is prevention of causes.

A faculty member at the College of Pharmacy receives a certificate of participation in an international workshop on male infertility